Shay has been living and breathing fashion and art from the very beginning.
Studding art and science majors in high school, followed by studying biology in TAU and teaching high school biology major, Shay has decided to follow her dream to become an independent artist.

Shay is a fashion illustrator, based in Tel Aviv, living with her beloved husband Gil and their son Or (with their three female cats).

Shay has been illustrating with her iPad in addition to her primarily work with watercolours, pencils, acrylics and charcoals.

For Shay, inspiration is all around, especially when traveling the world (did anyone say Paris?). Looking at old fashion magazines and new fashion shows, reading fashion books
and seeing the environment from the eyes of her son.

Shay describes her processes with illustrating as fulfilling and engaging.

In her art Shay is using watercolours, blurry lines and smudged pencils in addition to strong ink strokes emphasising the figures. Shay loves using vibrant colours in her illustrations which sums up to make a semi-abstract, yet impressionistic fashion art.

Shay’s illustrations aim to bring the experience of the fashion world to her viewers.


CHANEL Fine Jewelry
PADANI Jewellers
& Other Stories
Jo Malone London
Ramat Aviv Mall
Brownie Spain
Kroll Contemporary Art
Take Me Home Collection by Elinor Koffler